Red Hook Rising: Interim Strategies for Post-Storm Community Recovery

Project catalog can be downloaded here.
Fall 2013
Arch 400, Elective Design Studio
Undergraduate Architecture

Interim Planning and Design Strategies for Post-Disaster Recovery at the Scale of Community

It is a challenge to shelter New Yorkers in place after a storm; but to displace a community during recovery is to weaken its social and economic fabric. The difficulty of housing a large population of renters as well as owners in proximity to their neighbors and corner stores led NYC Department of Emergency Management (DEM) to study the possibilities of pre-fabricated multi-family dwelling and to then commission, with FEMA, the construction of a proto-type designed by Garrison Architects. DEM then partnered with our RAMP studio to explore the potential of this prototype to temporarily house residents, to re-establish community economic and social networks, and to model a resilient future.

Our study neighborhood is Red Hook, where industrial/commercial, small scale residential, and New York City Housing Authority properties were equally affected. The historic separations among these properties and users were addressed through our rebuilding strategies that envisioned a more equitable as well as resilient future.

Our public design presentations were a vehicle for discussion among residents who had previously had not entered into dialogue. Additionally, the designs are (still) exhibited at Emergency Management Headquarters. We think the neighborhood and larger city discussions that have emerged from the work is the most valuable product.

Client Partner:

  • Department of Emergency Management
  • Red Hook Houses Resident Representatives

Professor: Professors Deborah Gans, Jeremy Carvahlo


Valerie Bustos

Ashley Connely

Jillian DeLuca

Abraham Dreazen

Jasper Hayes

Azhar Kootda

Chin Lau

Alex Lee

Martha Madrid

David Martinez

Ana Monteverde

Sung Jun Park

Carla Perez

Joop Pyo

Alex Restivo

Michelle Rojas

Nilasha Sriniva

Wilfred Yenko